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Support us

Support our artists and contribute to theatrical diversity in the city of Aarhus.


Lusus Theater is a non-profit association that aims to create an inclusive and experimental theater, bringing on the stage relevant themes for current times.


To keep this group alive and active, we rely on the collaboration of people like you. There are two ways to support us. You can either become a member of our group or buy a ticket for the Cabaret Baubo Workshop that will be given on the 10th of December.

By becoming a member you can attend Feldenkrais Method lessons on Mondays at Folkested - 12:00 - 13:15.

Membership costs 500 DKK and the workshop 100 DKK.


Payment is made by bank deposit.


Kontornr. 001188786

Once you make the deposit send an email to and we will contact you.


Thank you very much for your support!

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